“Are You Talking to Me?” AVC Challenges Brands to Rethink DEI in Marketing

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“Are you talking to me?” This powerful question of reflection is asked by ethnic audiences in a bold new video by AV Communications (AVC) that’s drawing attention to why it’s important for brands to implement diversity and inclusion in their marketing.

In the 30-second video, AVC zones in on the various ethnic groups to command the significance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the marketing industry.

Filmed in Vancouver and Toronto, with a diverse cast including Canadians of Arab, Black, Chinese, Filipino, and Indian backgrounds, the video is a solid representation of diverse cultures in the country. In the video, different ethnicities share the same concern as to why aren’t brands speaking to them, ultimately showing that there is a lack of representation of ethnicities in their marketing efforts.

“We are living in a multicultural era, but are you talking to me?” This question is a wake-up call for brands that are still not focusing on diversity and inclusion despite calls for change in recent times. While there has been a shift across marketing in the country and while many brands have adjusted their focus, the question AVC wants marketers to contemplate is, are you really representing diverse audiences? Culture goes beyond the colour of your skin, the language you speak, and where you were born, and if you’re not catering to the core elements of that culture, are you really connecting?

By curating “Are you talking to me?”, AVC raises awareness of a longstanding issue in the marketing industry, which is the lack of DEI. The video is a bold move for AVC’s CEO, Joycelyn David to openly challenge the status quo and tackle the problem head on. It’s a deliberate and important step towards garnering attention to reshape the Canadian marketing industry by getting the powers that be to wake up and look at DEI from a fresh perspective.

The video is produced by AV Communications and Talentosa Productions collaboratively. It is one small step for AVC and it could be one giant leap for Canadian marketing industry. According to The Global DEI Census which was released on June 3rd, 2021, the pandemic has made it harder for many organizations to prioritize their diversity and inclusion efforts. The marketing industry is going backwards on diversity and inclusion and inequalities have been exacerbated by recent hardships. But there are also companies like AVC which are still moving forward in terms of their DEI approach. The video is one of several strategic steps that CEO Joycelyn has taken to fully integrate and grow DEI into AVC’s mission and values.

AVC’s focus is on advancing the interests of all multicultural and BIPOC audiences by making sure their stories are represented and heard. In tandem with that, AVC amplifies the voices of diverse communities by creating work that not only speaks their language but reflects their culture and celebrates their diversity in every single way.