Birthday and a New Tattoo: The (Her)story Behind AVC’s Rebirth

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It has been a little over a year since Owner and CEO Joycelyn David took the helm of AV Communications in 2019. Learn More

It really is a rebirth of sorts for the 17-year-old multicultural agency as it went head-to-head with COVID-19, closed its doors temporarily at Spadina Ave. to work-from-home, and helped brands keep its head above water during a global pandemic.

All this happened shortly after the agency has undergone a big change itself.

If you’re curious to hear how it all started, then check out Jason Swenk’s interview with David in his Smart Agency Master Class Podcast. It’s the number one podcast where real agency owners share trade secrets for growing their agencies.

Listen to the podcast here: Click here.

And if you want to know how a historic birthday, quitting a successful corporate job, and getting a new tattoo has to do with running an independent agency, contact @Joycelyn David.